
López Obrador is in favor of ecotourism

Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

The federal government is not against the modernization of airport facilities - Photo: Eduardo Verdugo/AP
21/07/2019 |09:42
Redacción El Universal
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López Obrador is in favor of ecotourism

Today, President López Obrador will sign an agreement with the San Luis Potosí government and airport authorities to promote the economic development of the Huasteca Potosina . We've been told that the President is quite interested in modernizing the Tamuín airport so that it becomes the entrance to the Huasteca Potosina, something that would spark tourism in that region. We've been told that the federal government 's plan is to promote ecotourism in the region. This project would show that despite the cancellation of the Texcoco airport, the federal government is not against the modernization of airport facilities. We will see how Santa Lucía turns out.

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Giving up on the revocation of mandate bill

We've been told that all the way from the President's office , they wanted to double the number of pending issues that have to be solved during the extraordinary period in Congress . Nevertheless, in the Senate , the opposition stopped Morena and said no. What is a fact is it seems like the head of Morena's majority in the Senate, Ricardo Monreal , is ready to give up on the Revocation of Mandate bill . The issue will go through a process but the opposition will reject and it will end up in the dumpster.

Cannabis bill could be passed soon

Interior Minister Olga Sánchez Cordero

is ready to complete her project, the Cannabis Regulation and Control bill ; she has previously said that the project has a social justice focus. We've been told that this program, along with the analysis of different reform bills in regards to marijuana , will be a priority in the Senate in September. Her proposal is supported by Ricardo Monreal, who is known for accelerating things in the Senate.

Mexico to implement aggressive seize policy

In the lower chamber, the PRI is worried about the passing of a draft in regards to confiscating property with the intent to expropriate, which could be passed on Thursday. We've been told that lawmaker Cynthia López realized that the bill established that the Mexican government can expropriate the assets owned by those who have been in jail but retroactively. This means that if a person was accused of a crime many years ago, their assets might not belong to them or their families any longer, instead, they would be confiscated and owned by the government. We've been told that this is serious because, in Mexico , the presumption of innocence is not respected.
