
López-Gatell regrets this decision

Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

Dr. Hugo López-Gatell is Mexico’s COVID-19 czar - Photo: Berenice Fregoso/EL UNIVERSAL
08/04/2020 |10:06
Redacción El Universal
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López-Gatell regrets this decision

In February, when the world prepared to face the COVID-19 pandemic as it became more and more alarming, Mexico didn’t stop the massive sale of masks to China . Now, in retrospect, Dr. Hugo López-Gatell says authorities should have banned this sale. We’ve been told that words such as maybe and perhaps are not very acceptable terms for scientists and epidemiologists. Now that Mexico needs those masks, which were sold really cheap to China, the country is buying them at a very high price from China.


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Carlos Salazar shows his support for the President

Jalisco business leaders who announced they were leaving the CCE , led by Carlos Salazar Lomelín , are not the only ones inside the business sector who don’t agree with the actions of Carlos Salazar as they consider his actions are to tame. Yesterday, during a video conference, Salazar said that those who want President López Obrador to leave the presidency for the way he was handled the pandemic must come together so that recall vote is a possibility in 2021 . Although some tried to say he was distancing himself from the President, others were upset because he said that if they want to remove López Obrador, they would need 30 million votes, the same number of people who voted for López Obrador in 2018. However, Carlos Salazar said this in defense of the Mexican President.


Cuban doctors arrive in Mexico

One day after President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said he will only ask Cuba to send doctors if it is strictly necessary, however, Cuban doctors arrived in Mexico. Although health authorities argue that the foreign doctors are here to exchange opinions about the best way to handle the health emergency and that they will not directly treat patients, for some this is a sign that Mexico will need support from Cuba, as in the case of Italy, Venezuela, Suriname, Grenada, and Nicaragua, among other countries.


Lawmakers will donate MXN $100 million

Yesterday, we said that lawmakers had MXN $100 million to donate to the federal government amid the fight against COVID-19 . We’ve been told that federal lawmakers will also donate more money that will be used to purchase medical equipment, suppliers, and other things to support their communities. Some lawmakers have said that it is good to support the federal government with MXN $100 million but their districts are where the money is needed. Moreover, some lawmakers won’t lose this opportunity to show off. We’ll see who uses the health emergency for publicity .

