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¿Cumpliste 30 o 40 años? Debes resellar tu cartilla de servicio militar; así lo puedes hacer en línea
De la Fuente se solidariza con mexicanos que regresen de EU; “serán recibidos con los brazos abiertos”, asegura
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In the face of a tragedy, there is a sudden natural sense of unity . We want to help our neighbors, relatives, fellow members of our community who have seen their estate crumble – it's almost an automatic response. Among nations, the reaction is virtually the same: countries who reach out to others in their time of need after a catastrophe.
After the earthquake in Mexico on the night of September 7, public and private offices installed collection centers to receive the donations of the population. The answer was as expected: thousands of citizens have donated clothes and supplies. There are thousands of families whose only possessions are the clothes they're wearing.
It's true that first aid is a responsibility of the Government since they are the authority with enough powers and resources to coordinate assistance efforts and help the victims. Nevertheless, given the scale of the devastation, the response time is never quick enough for the victims; the unity of all the national sectors is needed.
On Monday, the Executive Branch made a specific call to the construction companies , asking for their support in collaborating with the reconstruction works .
If there were ever companies who've benefited from Federal contracts, these have been the construction companies. Last week, EL UNIVERSAL reported that in less than a decade Grupo Aldesa was awarded contracts for ove r 24 billions of Mexican pesos ; 61% of that amount was earned under the current administration. So far, out of the total sales of the Spanish company, Mexico has contributed with 56%, thus becoming the country with the largest invoicing. And similarly to Aldesa, there are big companies – construction or otherwise – who also have the Federal Government as their main client.
This Thursday, a meeting has been scheduled between the government and several national companies to define the details of the reconstruction works.
This is a vital moment for several communities in Oaxaca and Chiapas, because the situation there is becoming a humanitarian crisis, and the support of big consortiums will be key in alleviating the situation of the ravaged communities. The Mexican Government is in charge of the coordination and order of priorities; the permanent presence of high-level officials at the damaged areas is decisive.
If corporative conglomerates have received so much from the Government and the Mexican people, a little bit of reciprocity is called for to handle the emergency. Few have raised their hands and provided financial or material support, where are the others? The call has been made, the country needs an immediate answer.