
Legislator proposes corruption to be considered an act of high treason

The legislator stated corruption is a serious problem which is negatively affecting Mexico's growth and development

View of Mexico City - Photo: Lucía Godínez/EL UNIVERSAL
26/12/2017 |11:11
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Deputy of the conservative National Action Party (PAN), Patricia Sánchez , minister of the Justice Commission, is proposing a bill to modify the Federal Criminal Code and include within the category of offenses equal to high treason the individuals who commit corruption acts and take advantage of natural disasters to turn a profit or take advantage of the situation to commit crimes, a crime which could be punishable with 5 to 40 years in prison and a fee of up to MXN$50,000 (roughly USD$2,530).

The legislator stressed corruption is a serious problem which is negatively affecting Mexico's growth and development and is causing a severe decline in the quality of life of millions of Mexicans.

She highlighted corruption costs our country “5% to 9% of the Gross Domestic Product and has led the international community to have an unfavorable view on us, as they consider our country has high levels of corruption.”

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The Deputy also added that recent studies have placed Mexico as the most corrupt country among the member countries of the OECD.

Pursuant to the studies of the Mexican Institute for Competitiveness, from all the cases formally investigated regarding crimes committed by public officials, only in 2% were said officials sentenced to prison, she said.

Patricia Sánchez claimed that in order to fight corruption and impunity, the former has to be branded a “serious crime, which goes against our human rights,” as those who commit corruption acts condemn millions of Mexicans to receive poor health, education, and security services and current punishments aren't severe enough.

According to the legislator, this modification will strengthen that set forth in Constitutional Article 109.
