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The new Latino Arts Project museum in Dallas, Texas officially opened its doors last Sunday with an exhibition on contemporary Mexican sculpture, notably art productions made between the 1930s and 50s. The exhibition features nine well-known artists from five different regions of the Latin American country.
More than 90 sculptures, photographs, and documents are presented as part of the “ Mexican Modern Sculpture: A Study of the Artists ” exhibition, made with contributions from the Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo museum in Mexico City.
The institution’s executive director Carlos González-Jaime pointed out that the exhibition was a result of 14 years of work. Experts in the field searched for unknown pieces by Mexican artists that received recognition after the 1920s.
“These pieces are quite relevant since they belong to an artistic movement that is parallel to Mexican muralism, which began with the support of Mexico’s former Education Minister José Vasconcelos (1882-1959), ” González-Jaime explained.
“Vasconcelos strongly believed in the intellectual ideals of the Mexican revolution and invited artists all over the country to promote them,” the director added.
Curated by María Estela Duarte, the exhibition highlights the work made in five Mexican regions: Guanajuato, Jalisco, Nuevo León, Puebla, and Mexico City .
The exhibition features artists such as Manuel Centurión (1883-1952), Fridas Elizondo (1891-1979), and Carmen Carrillo de Antúnez (1900-1982).
This will be the first of many exhibitions the Latino Arts Project has in store to promote Latin American culture in the United States.
The Modern Mexican Sculpture expo was made in cooperation with Mexico’s National Institute of Fine Arts and the Ministry of Culture .