
KL Joon and Horacio Franco to present Korean-style 'Cielito Lindo'

Korean pianist KL Joon will make a mash-up of 'Airirang' and 'Cielito Lindo' with Horacio Franco

“Airirang” is the quintessential traditional Korean song and a sort of second anthem for both North and South Korea - Photo: Iván Stephens/EL UNIVERSAL
13/12/2018 |15:28Notimex |
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The Korean folk song “ Arirang ,” which dazzled the world when North and South Korea officials entered the Pyeongchang Stadium to celebrate a historic peace accord between both nations during the 2018 Winter Olympics , will now have a music mash-up with the Mexican folk song “Cielito Lindo,” in a unique and unprecedented show.


informed that the Korean pianist KL Joon had announced an extraordinary concert at the Roberto Cantoral Cultural Center on December 14 . “It will be a perfect union between the cultures of Mexico and Corea, where we will fuse tradition with contemporanity; classic songs and pop music will come together in this unusual show.”

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He mentioned that “Airirang” was the quintessential traditional Korean song and a sort of second anthem for both North and South Korea . “All the love, suffering, joy, and sorrow of our history is condensed in this song, which has no frontiers or barriers. It is in the heart of Korean citizens from both nations,” he stated.

Through his music, the Korean pianist KL promised to transport his Mexican audience to the faraway oriental lands, with a show made up of nuances and a mixing of countries and cultures meant to create a unique sound. Horacio Franco, one of the best flute players in the world, will also reveal the beauty of “Cielito lindo.”

The famous musician Gamin will also be on stage. She is considered to be the best traditional Korean music flute player in the world, though she masters three musical instruments. The Mexican singer Ely Guerra will also participate.

The young pianist announced that the show would be called “Arirang Symphony,” and would consist of a sample of cross-over music composed by both KL Joon and the Mexican composer, producer, and arranger Guillermo Alzúa, who plans to experiment with oriental and Mexican harmony.
