
Justin Trudeau arrives in Mexico City

Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau arrived on an official visit to Mexico to complete a tight two-day working agenda

“Hello Mexico City! Sophie and I are honoured by your warm welcome and looking forward to our visit” - Photo: Taken from Justin Trudeau Twitter account
12/10/2017 |16:54
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Today, Canadian Prime Minister , Justin Trudeau and his wife Sophie Grégoire arrived on an official visit to Mexico to complete a tight two-day working agenda.

The Office of the Prime Minister released details of his agenda starting with a wreath-laying ceremony at the Niños Heroes monument in Mexico City 's Chapultepec Park .

On Twitter , Justin Trudeau shared pictures of the ceremony commemorating Mexico's efforts to confront an American invasion in 1847.

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Afterwards, the Prime Minister held a meeting with members of the Red Cross , which received a Canadian donation of USD$100,000 .

Earlier in the afternoon, Trudeau was received with military honors in National Palace ( Palacio Nacional ) and held a private meeting with Mexico's President Enrique Peña Nieto .

Chancellor Chrystia Freeland

and Canadian Minister of International Trade , François-Philippe Champagne will later join the meeting.

Among the issues that Trudeau will address with Peña Nieto will be bilateral and trilateral trade relations with the United States, regional cooperation and ways to strengthen ties between Canada and Mexico .

Trudeau and Peña Nieto are planning media meeting ahead of the official dinner that Mexico's Government will offer to the visiting delegation in the National Palace.

On Friday, Trudeau will attend a welcoming ceremony in the Senate where he will deliver a speech to the upper house plenum.

Trudeau's first official visit to Mexico coincides with the fourth round of negotiations on the North American Free Trade Agreement ( NAFTA ).