
The Juan Collado case: deceits & identity theft

EL UNIVERSAL visited the homes of the Ventura and Aguilar Vega, who lead modest lives, in contrast with Collado and Bustamante

Juan Collado is accused of money laundering and organized crime – Photo: File Photo/EL UNIVERSAL
14/07/2019 |12:16Susana Zavala |
Redacción El Universal
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A partner and an executive at a company called Administradora Cimatario, S.A. de C.V., one of the four companies being investigated by the Attorney General's Offic e in relation to Juan Collado's case , claim they weren't aware that they were part of the Administrative Board at this company.

Juana Guadalupe Ventura Gutiérrez

is named as the Vigilance Commissioner at the company suspected of money laundering , nevertheless, in an interview with EL UNIVERSAL , the woman said she was unaware of her alleged position at the company: “I have nothing to do with those companies (…) I'm a nurse,” she said.

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“One time, the owner of the real state company ( Sergio Bustamante , the man who filed charges against Collado ) talked to the construction workers and offered some money in exchange of signing some documents. Them, out of need, agreed. How many others fell for this lies?” says Guadalupe Ventura .

Juana Guadalupe Ventura

said that 7 years ago when she worked a t Administradora Ario , she signed some papers as a witness of sale-purchase transactions , as well as documents from the Tax Administration Service (SAT) because she was told she would pay fewer taxes .

José David Aguilar Vega

is, allegedly, the co-founder of Cimatario but he insists that is was his sister, Bustamante's wife , the one who asked him to sign the papers, allegedly as a witness of the sale-purchase of a property . He also said: “I knew something wasn't right because a year ago, the state's Attorney General summoned me to testify (…) I'm not the owner of anything,” says the man, who earns a pension of MXN $2,800 and receives remittances from his children who reside in the U.S.

Moreover, EL UNIVERSAL has found that family members, friends, and employees who worked at construction sites managed by the real state companies linked to Juan Collado , were used as straw-men .


visited the homes of the Ventura and Aguilar Vega , who lead modest lives , in contrast with Collado and Bustamante .
