
Journalist Norma Sarabia was murdered in Mexico

Norma Sarabia, a Mexican journalist, was murdered today

The journalist lived in Tabasco, the President's home state - Photo: Henry Romero/REUTERS
12/06/2019 |12:19Leobardo Pérez Marín / Corresponsal |
Leobardo Pérez Marín
Corresponsal en TabascoVer perfil

Norma Sarabia

, a Mexican journalist, was murdered today.


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wrote for newspaper Tabasco HOY , in the Huimanguillo municipality .

According to the local newspaper , the journalist was murdered by two armed men who shot her several times while she was entering her home.

The Tabasco Journalist Association (ATP) condemned the attack and demanded justice .


neighbors Veracruz and in recent months, a series of murders linked to fuel theft have taken place; the area is considered as high-risk by state authorities.

Since January 2018 , at least 9 journalists have been murdered in Mexico .
