
José José arrives in Mexico

Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

The singer's remains were transported by the Mexican Air Force- Photo: Reed Saxon/AP
09/10/2019 |09:52
Redacción El Universal
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José José arrives in Mexico

If everything goes as planned, José José's remains will arrive in Mexico today, aboard an airplane from Mexico's Air Force , accompanied by his three children. We've been told that around 70 passengers will be on board the plane and that the majority of them are journalists . In Miami , two officials from the F oreign Affairs Ministry and one from Mexico City's government were in charge of transporting the singer 's remains to Mexico to pay homage to the late singer . We've been told that this way, Mexican diplomats look like heroes. First, they helped the family members reach an agreement to organize a homage to the singer in Miami and then another in Mexico City . They also were able to convince the family to take half the ashes to Mexico. So José José's last trip will be in an air force airplane.

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Who will contend in the 2024 election?

A picture is being shared on social media . During a meeting between PAN governors , there are several missing: Francisco Vega from Baja California , J avier Corral from Chihuahua , and Antonio Echevarría from Nayarit . It is alleged that those who are not present in the picture are not contenders to th e 2024 election . They add that even if Francisco Vega and Antonio Echevarría were in the picture, they still have zero chances . The rest of the PAN governors look quite happy in the picture, some of whom are ready to contend in the 2024 election.

Mario Delgado is relieved

Mario Delgado

was not registered in the member list presented before the INE , which included all of Morena's founding members and around 317,499 people, although the number later dropped to 313,972. Luckily, Mario Delgado 's name was found when he registered as a contender to the party's presidency . Today, he will be present at an event, along with lawmakers , legislators , and mayors who will call other members to follow the President's advice , so that the internal election is carried out through a poll . Although it is still unknown if others will support the idea, we've been told that he's quite happy that his name is on the list and that he will be able to contend to lead Mexico's ruling party.

Morena members are wary of former PAN member

Manuel Espino Barrientos

has said that he will be a government super-delegate in the state of Durango after the President told him the news . Nevertheless, we've been told that on Thursday, Morena's senator in Durango, Margarita Valdez and other Morena lawmakers including Martha Olivia García Vidaña, María de Lourdes Montes Hernández, Maribel Aguilera Chairez, and Hilda Patricia Ortega Nájera, were seen at a meeting at the President's office , where they said that they don't agree with the fact that someone so close to the right is appointed to this key position . We've been told that their opinion was considered and now we'll have to wait and see.
