Israeli spacecraft Beresheet crashed onto the moon

on Thursday after a series of technical failures during its final descent, shattering hopes of a historic controlled landing on the lunar surface.

The unmanned robotic lander suffered periodic engine and communications failures during the landing sequence, which lasted around 21 minutes, the support team said.


, whose name is Hebrew for the biblical phrase ‘ In the beginning ’, had traveled through space for seven weeks in a series of expanding orbits around Earth before crossing into the moon’s gravity last week.

The final maneuver on Wednesday brought it into a tight elliptical orbit around the moon , around 15 km (9 miles) from the surface at its closest. From there it was a short, nail-biting and ultimately disappointing conclusion .

“It seems that a failure in our inertial measurements unit caused a chain of events in the spacecraft avionics which cut off the engines and caused us to lose the mission,” said Opher Doron , General Manager of the Space Division at Israel Aerospace Industries ( IAI ).

So far, only three nations have succeeded in carrying out a “soft”, or controlled, landing on the lunar surface: the United States , the Soviet Union , and China .


would have been the first craft to land on the moon that was not the product of a government program . It was built by state-owned IAI and Israeli non-profit space venture SpaceIL with USD$100 million funded almost entirely by private donors.

Still, the spacecraft achieved some milestones.

“It is by far the smallest , the cheapest spacecraft ever to get to the moon ,” said Doron. “It’s been an amazing journey, I hope we get a chance for another one.”

Shaped like a round table with four carbon-fiber legs, Beresheet stood about 1.5 meters (4.9 feet) tall. It blasted off from Florida’s Cape Canaveral on February 21 on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket and entered Earth’s orbit about 34 minutes after launch.

Its circuitous flight path was around 4 million miles (6.5 million km). A direct route from the Earth to the moon covers roughly 240,000 miles (386,000 km).


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