
Interpol issues a red notice for the wife of former Veracruz Governor

Veracruz authorities have issued an arrest warrant against Karime Macías, wife of Javier Duarte, for the alleged embezzlement of over MXN$ 100 million

Karime Macías during an event in 2014 – Photo: Jair Cabrera/EL UNIVERSAL
29/05/2018 |13:45Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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issued this Tuesday a red notice to locate and arrest Karime Macías , the wife of former Veracruz Governor Javier Duarte .

Macías has been summoned by the local court of Veracruz to face charges for the embezzlement of over MXN$ 100 million (roughly USD$ 5 million*) while she was the head of the Comprehensive Family Development System (DIF) of the state.

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According to current Veracruz Governor Miguel Ángel Yunes , Macías is currently living in one of the most exclusive areas in London and spread images of her in the capital city of England.

“Karime Macías is key in the corruption network [of Duarte's administration]; She isn't just the wife of the Governor, she is a key player in the corruption network. Her arrest and trial will invite a brutal scandal but it's the door to gain access to the thousands and millions of pesos outside of Mexico,” said the Governor, who added they have information Macías is living a life of luxuries in London.

*At an exchange rate of USD$ 1 = MXN$ 19.87
