
International Women’s Day 2020 is a historical day for Mexican women

There is no hidden agenda behind the feminist movement, women are simply demanding peace and equality

It is expected that hundreds of women attend different protests throughout the country - Photo: Edgard Garrido/REUTERS
08/03/2020 |09:27
Redacción El Universal
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The call for action on is a huge opportunity. Women now have the opportunities older generations never had. The current is as strong as ever, perhaps stronger than the first and second waves, when women demanded access to education , equal working conditions , and the right to vote , the sexual liberation in the 60s, sparked by the development of contraceptive methods.

For the feminist movement , the most recent quest is to demand the right to abortion because if it is decriminalized , they won’t be prosecuted and they will have access to medical attention.

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However, the political elite wasn’t expecting a ticking-time-bomb called misogyny . Women started to protest against femicide and gender-based violence, sparked by a series of enforced disappearances , torture , rape , and brutal femicides at the hands of men, however, impunity reigns in the country.


Moreover, women from all sectors are now able to exchange opinions and experiences with women in other countries. The internet and social media have made it easier for women to share their outrage; for example, the performance “A Rapist in Your Path,” created by Chilean activists, was performed in cities such as Mexico, Madrid, Berlin, Paris, and Washington.

Nowadays, women from all over the world know about , , or , who have stood out as outspoken women who denounce sexism , child abuse , and climate change .

This is the time to show that women will raise their voices against violence , discrimination , harassment and that they are not paid by political parties or groups to carry out demonstrations. The feminist movement in Mexico is driven by legitimate demands and today, women will have the opportunity to prove this to those skeptical politicians through a massive protest on and a . There is no hidden agenda behind the feminist movement, women are demanding peace and equality.

