
International reactions following Ándres Manuel López Obrador's overwhelming victory

Andrés Manuel López Obrador won Mexico’s Presidency in a landslide victory on Sunday, setting the stage for the most left-wing government in the country’s democratic history

Presidential candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador gestures as he addresses supporters after polls closed in the presidential election, in Mexico City, Mexico - Photo: Goran Tomasevic/REUTERS
02/07/2018 |15:15Newsroom & Agencies |
Redacción El Universal
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Andrés Manuel López Obrador

won Mexico’s Presidency in a landslide victory on Sunday, setting the stage for the most left-wing government in the country’s democratic history.

The 64-year-old former Mexico City mayor won with the widest margin in a presidential election since the 1980s, according to an official quick count that showed him taking more than half the vote—some 30 points ahead of his nearest rival.

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Rivals Ricardo Anaya , a former head of the National Action Party ( PAN ), and ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party ( PRI ) candidate José Antonio Meade , conceded defeat within minutes of exit polls.

On Twitter, public officials around the world have congratulated the leftist on his victory.

U.S. President Donald Trump


Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

, issued a statement on the results of the Mexican Presidential Election:

French President Emmanuel Macron 

wrote in French: "My warmest congratulations to Andrés Manuel López Obrador for his beautiful democratic victory in Mexico."

UK Prime Minister Theresa May

congratulated the leftist as well:

Pedro Sanchéz

, Prime Minister of Spain ; Nicolás Maduro , President of Venezuela ; Sebastián Piñera , President of Chile ; Juan Manuel Santos , President of Colombia ; Juan Carlos Varela , President of Panama ; Lenín Moreno , President of Ecuador ; Juan Orlando H. , President of Honduras , and Jimmy Morales , President of Guatemala congratulated ​Andrés Manuel López Obrador following his ​overwhelming victory.