The internal fight between AMLO's generals

There is a hidden quarrel between some of the left National Regeneration Party (MORENA) generals in the Bajío region of Mexico. We're told the former leader of the left Democratic Revolution Party (PRD) Leonel Godoy and Ricardo Monreal are bickering and each sticks with his own group for the local electoral contest, especially in Guanajuato , where the conservative National Action Party (PAN) has camped its army. The fight between Mr. Leonel and Mr. Ricardo has prevented them from reaching agreements and has only caused displeasure in the so-called Progressive Social Networks. Considering the fight, our sources say Mr. Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) has scheduled a visit to the state next March 15. Will Godoy and Monreal be able to calm down by then?

The PRI's black door

Dissent within the center-right Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) has led some to resign and leave to other political forces, as was the case of Senator Miguel Chico Herrera . Our sources speculate this could happen again this weekend since one of the PRI members who has been in charge of several public officers is likely to make a decision in this regard. Given the situation at hand, the Secretary General of the PRI, Claudia Ruiz Massieu , has clarified that the “doors of the party are always open for those wanting to leave.” It would be advisable to lock it with three locks, like the black door, lest more party members decide to go.

A new auditor or a new simulation?

At last the members of the Political Coordination Board of the Lower Chamber, led by member of the conservative National Action Party (PAN), Marko Cortés , have agreed that next March 15 the issue of the new Auditor will be discussed at the plenary session, taking into account the names of the candidates, selected three months ago: Salim Orcí Magaña, David Colmenares Páramo, and Ángel Trinidad Zaldívar . One of them may become the next Superior Auditor for the next 8 years but our sources caution it is not certain that the new Auditor will be appointed as none of the names has received the support necessary. According to the procedure, at least two-thirds of votes in favor of the plenum are needed and it's likely none of the candidates will get them. We've been told that deputies might be playing a simulation to vote for the three names and then reject them so a new shortlist of three can be appointed – also according to procedure – but that all this will most likely happen after the elections and, maybe, under the next Head of State.

Cordero goes to Acapulco

After the failed mini-trial of the conservative National Action Party (PAN) and the left Democratic Revolution Party (PRD) against the president of the Senate, Ernesto Cordero – of the PAN – for his criticism against Ricardo Anaya , Cordero is taking a break… in Acapulco. But don't think Mr. Ernesto is there to enjoy a weekend in the beach or on holidays to forget the skirmish with the other members of his party; he's actually been invited to the 81st Banking Convention of Mexico's Banks Association. So, if Mr. Cordero thought he would spend some time away from the heat of the electoral campaigns he'd better forget that idea, as our sources say three out of the six presidential candidates will pop by the convention: Andrés Manuel López Obrador, José Antonio Meade, and Ricardo Anaya , of course.


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