
INE’s official tallies confirm AMLO’s victory

The official results correspond perfectly to the quick count conducted by INE on Sunday

INE’s official tallies confirm AMLO’s victory
07/07/2018 |10:38
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With 100% of district tallies completed for the presidential election , the triumph of the leftist candidate from the Juntos haremos historia (Together We Will Make History) coalition, Andrés Manuel López Obrador , was confirmed with a total of 30,047,700 votes , which account for 53.17% of all votes cast .

The candidate for the Por México al Frente (For Mexico at the Front) coalition, Ricardo Anaya , gained 22.26% of votes, which is equivalent to 12,582,741 votes .

In third place, the candidate for the Todos por México (All for Mexico) coalition, José Antonio Meade , gained a 16.42% , with a total of 9,284,543 votes .

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Last but not least was the independent candidate Jaime Heliodoro Rodríguez Calderón “El Bronco” with 05.23% of votes for a total of 9,284,543 .

These are the official results. Now all district tallies for the presidential election, which started on Wednesday and ended on Thursday , will be reported to the National Electoral Institute’s General Council , whose session was resumed yesterday.

The National Electoral Institute (INE) will forward the results from the presidential election’s computation process to the Federal Electoral Court (TEPJF) for them to be considered in the prejudicial proceedings of the election. The institution will also conduct the final computation process for the election in order to validate it and issue an attestation that will be delivered to the President-elect.

The official results correspond perfectly to the quick count conducted by INE that was revealed last Sunday at 23:00 hours by the chairman director Lorenzo Córdova .

The statistical exercise had shown that Andrés Manuel López Obrador would fall within a vote frame of 53% to 53.8% of votes, and he won 53.17% of all votes, according to official data.
