
The INE vs. Morena

Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

President López Obrador and the ruling part insist that no one can earn more than the President - Photo: Alejandra Leyva/EL UNIVERSAL
02/02/2020 |10:49
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The INE vs. Morena

We’ve been told that it’s been announced that there is a plan to launch a constitutional controversy against the decision made by the INE counselors , who filed a protective measure to keep earning more money than the . What the lower chamber leaders are looking for is for the entire institution to file a complaint , not just one party or a few lawmakers. We’ll see how many parties join the initiative. However, Lorenzo Córdova recently met with the PAN and MC, which prompted Reginaldo Sandoval ( PT ) to say: “We call the INE president to behave neutrally because we saw him leaning towards ideological political positions and that seems somewhat wrong.”

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Marcelo Ebrard is praised

The presence of ministers in the Senate this week has been the talk of the town. Not because of what they said, but because of the treatment they received from their colleagues. For example, Foreign Minister felt right at home with all the senators and received the support of Ricardo Monreal , who defined Ebrad as the only cabinet member with legal and political capacities . What is more, he defined the Foreign Minister as a fundamental pillar of the administration of President López Obrador.

Renovations at the Senate are taking longer

This weekend, things were tough between those who decided the needed a renovation , which wasn’t ready in January 2020 even when the company deployed teams of over 50 workers to finish the work on time. But since the renovation is not done yet, senators are urging authorities to set a date since the Defense Minister, Luis Crescencio Sandoval González , is set to visit the Senate in a few weeks.

When will we have access to important information?

Mexico’s General Archive

( AGN ) finally announced it will open the documents created by now extinct , in an event attended by the transparency institute ( INAI ). Historians , journalists , and people interested in certain information thought they would finally access this information but they were later informed that the AGN will open the files until they find administrative measures that guarantee the preservation of the documents . So everyone will have to wait.
