
INE extends vote reception for Mexicans living abroad

Mexico's National Electoral Institute has already received 97,000 votes out of the 181,000 ballots sent abroad

Ballot for Governor elections in Mexico 2016 - File photo/EL UNIVERSAL
29/06/2018 |17:41
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Since Mexico’s National Electoral Institute has still to receive over 80,000 votes from Mexicans living abroad , the institution has decided to extend its deadline for vote reception until Saturday night .

At a press release in company of Janine Otálora Malassis , the presiding judge of the Federal Electoral Court (TEPJF) , the head of the electoral institute , Lorenzo Córdova , stated that around 97,000 votes coming from abroad had already been accounted for, out of 181,000 that had been sent to Mexicans living outside of the country.

He pointed out that the institution would continue to receive votes up until tomorrow night , instead of closing the reception at 8:00 am , as had been planned, so that the votes may be counted on Sunday, after closing the urns, at the Monterrey Institute of Technology .

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A month ago, the National Electoral Institute admitted that mistakes were made in the vote reception addresses, which is why many Mexicans living abroad still hadn’t received their ballot. The extension was partly due to this setback.
