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A group of bakers, consisting of Mexican and Central American immigrants , was trapped in their workplace as a consequence of the massive torrential rains of Tropical Storm Harvey and for two days they baked bread for those affected by Harvey.
Last week, “ El Bolillo Bakery ” located on Wayside Drive south-east Houston made bread for those affected by Hurricane Harvey .
Houston Chronicle
newspaper wrote regarding the moving action: “In a gesture that was both literally and figuratively ' sweet ' they baked sheets and sheets of pan dulce to be handed out to people in need.”
For two days, the bakers decided to bake as much bread as they could, bakery manager, Brian Alvarado , told Houston's newspaper.
The bakers are not sure of the exact quantity of bread they made, but they used about 2,000 kilos of flour during their stage at the bakery.
"El Bolillo Bakery" was not damaged by flooding, even though the streets around it were flooded, Alvarado said.
Such a gesture of kindness is being retributed, since the owner, Kirk Michaelis, created a campaign for the people that want to donate to El Bolillo Bakery.
"This goes to our employees who lost cars, homes, and valuables to help rebuild their lives .. they have continued to work to get bread to people in need during Hurricane Harvey."
The web site for the campaign can be found at the following link: http://bit.ly/2grRxaR .