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Unión Nacional de Padres urge a acabar con clima de inseguridad en Sinaloa; exigen esclarecer asesinato de su líder
“Aún hay tiempo”: Inai lamenta extinción aprobada por Diputados; pide al Senado reconsiderar reforma
Oposición se lanza contra extinción de órganos y elección judicial; diputada de MC llama a interponer controversia constitucional
Diputados avalan súper secretaría de García Harfuch; SSPC investigará delitos y coordinará inteligencia a nivel nacional
Con prórroga o sin ella, elección judicial va, asegura Taddei; afirma que presupuesto de 13 mmdp no es ninguna “ocurrencia”
As a result of the high rates of fine particles and ozone in the air in Mexico City and the metropolitan area , authorities issued a series of recommendations on how to lower the impact pollution has on your health
But how can you protect your pets from the environmental contingency ?
The UNAM's Faculty of Veterinary and Zoological Medicine has issued some recommendations to protect cats and dogs during the contingency .
The UNAM asked pet owners to:
Keep your pets inside the home as long as possible
Protect their food and water dishes
must sleep inside
4. Animals
shouldn't carry any physical activity outside
The UNAM faculty emphasized that if your pet is a puppy, sick, or very old, you should take extreme precautions and immediately take them to the vet in case you notice something is wrong with them.
Moreover, Mexico City 's Environment Ministry asked pet owners not to leave their pets locked inside cars or any other closed space .
The Animal Protection Agency asked pet owners to be alert and to take their pets to the vet in case they cough, sneeze, vomit, have nasal and eye secretions , or eye redness .