
How to make authentic Mexican tacos

Say goodbye to shell tacos and welcome authentic tacos into your life

Tacos al pastor were created by Lebanese migrants who arrived in Mexico decades ago - Photo: File Photo/EL UNIVERSAL
29/04/2020 |16:21EL UNIVERSAL in English/Gretel Morales |
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Just because you’re staying at home during the pandemic , it doesn’t mean you have to cook bland and boring food .

Since is a favorite all over the world, we suggest you cook delicious Mexican food at home!

, which were named the world’s favorite food, would be a great start! These tacos were created by Lebanese migrants who arrived in Mexico decades ago. It is the perfect combination of flavors : chili , lemon , spices , pineapple , salsa , and lime juice .

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You can also make tacos de cantasta , which are pretty simple and delicious, as well as shrimp and steak !

Check out the following recipes , say goodby to shell tacos , and embrace authentic !
