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IMSS-Bienestar asegura mantener contratados a 2 mil trabajadores en entidades no adheridas al organismo
Rosa Icela Rodríguez se reúne con próximo titular del INM; “arrancaremos el 2025 con mucho trabajo”, asegura
SSa llama a tomar medidas preventivas ante bajas temperaturas; pide proteger salud por temporada invernal
Oposición tunde diseño de boletas de elección judicial; “la lista definitiva la harán Monreal y Adán Augusto”, dice Döring
Padres de normalistas de Ayotzinapa marchan a la Basílica de Guadalupe; exigen cárcel para los responsables
On September 3 , Rioverde will host a Hot-air Balloon Festival for the first time.
At six o 'clock in the morning, the attendants will be able to see how the hot-air balloons rise to the sky from San Diego dam . The flight prices will start at MXN$ 1,500 per person.
The second stage of the festival will start at six thirty in the afternoon and it will include a paratroop light and sound show .
Ticket presale
will be on August 18 . The tickets will cost MXN$ 80 for adults and MXN$ 60 for children.
Tickets will be available on Superboletos ( www.superboletos.com ) and in the Employers Confederation of the Mexican Republic ( Coparmex ) facilities in San Luis Potosí and Rioverde.
More information in www.visitasanluispotosi.com/EN/