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Gilberto Lagarda Vázquez, head of CONAGUA’s Meteorology Department in Sonora
, informed that given high temperatures registered in the state these past few days, the city of Hermosillo has broken heat records with temperatures of up to 48°C (118.4°F) , which exceeds the previous record of 45.1°C, registered in 1993 .
WX Now
, an organization that registers extreme temperatures all around the world, has declared the capital of Sonora as the hottest place in the planet, with temperature rates above those of the Sahara Desert, Iran, India, and Libya .
CONAGUA’s Northwestern Basin Organization reported temperatures of 48°C on Tuesday, in the city of Hermosillo, with a 15% humidity.
On Wednesday, the city also registered extremely high temperatures above 45°C with little chance of rain in the mountain ranges surrounding the state, according to the Northwestern Basin Organization (OCNO) and the National Water Commission (CONAGUA) .
High temperatures are expected to continue in the state during the next few days, rising above 45°C in some parts, with strong winds in the California Gulf.
A weather warning issued by CONAGUA indicated that temperatures would gradually begin to drop on Thursday. However, extremely high temperatures will persist in different valleys, with some scattered clouds and little chance of rain in the mountain range south of Sonora.
Local authorities have asked the population to take a series of precautions to avoid sunburns, including the use of sunscreen and keeping outdoor activities to the minimum.
Gerardo Álvarez Hernández, general director of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
, recommended that the population consume lots of fluids and drink at least two liters of water a day.