
Health care in Mexico: disinformation, new tariffs, and contradictions

In recent weeks, Mexico’s new health institute, Insabi, has sparked confusion and criticism

This crisis should be used as an opportunity for the federal and state governments to work together in regards to health care - Photo: File Photo/EL UNIVERSAL
21/01/2020 |09:06
Redacción El Universal
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The disappearance of the Seguro Popular (Popular Healthcare) and the implementation of the new earlier this year, took place in the midst of disinformation , changes in tariffs , and contradictions between officials, especially in regards to free health care .

At the same time, some governors said they would not join the new scheme; the federal government’s answer was that if they didn’t join the program by January 31, these states wouldn’t have access to the , comprised of MXN $40,000 million. These resources will be used to guarantee the gratuity of the services; however, it will only be distributed among the states that join the new scheme.

Until now, nine governors haven’t joined the new health care scheme , Insabi , by arguing that the operating rules are not clear and that it risks their control over in their states.

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On January 20, they presented a proposal to the federal government, in order to generate plausible results for everyone. They also look to start negotiations , where the main issue will be to define clear operation rules for the . Will the federal government impose its vision and set a final date to join the scheme?

This crisis should be used as an opportunity for the federal and state governments to work together in regards to Why don’t they collaborate to transform the ? Reaching the desired quality levels would be easier if everyone wants to improve health care services throughout the country.

In regards to health issues, political confrontations should be ignored. The proposal created by governors doesn’t go back to the Seguro Popular, they are highlighting the need for an orderly transition . Reaching agreements is key, especially because it will affect those in need.
