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On Thursday, Tadeo Lineol Alfonzo Rojas , Head of Security at Salamanca refinery owned by Mexico's national oil company Pemex was shot dead by two unidentified gunmen on a motorcycle as he was taking two of his children to school.
He was in charge of oil installation and pipeline surveillance in the state of Guanajuato , central Mexico.
The state attorney's office announced that "the Attorney General ( PGR ) is helping in the investigation and clarification of the criminal act," in a statement.
“This company will remain attentive and will cooperate fully with the investigations. Likewise, it will provide full support to the family members of our partner and collaborator. Petróleos Mexicanos will continue to contribute with the actions carried out by the institutions responsible for public security in the country to fight criminal acts of this nature or any other that threatens Pemex's assets” Pemex wrote in a statement condemning the killing.
On Wednesday, Alvar Cabeza de Vaca , Secretary of Public Safety of Guanajuato , disclosed that 90% of the murders registered in the entity are related to fuel theft .
This week Reuters published an investigation into fuel theft and the problems it is causing in Mexico, which has sought to increase foreign investment by opening up the long-closed oil and gas industry to private firms.