
Hashi Gallery, showcasing contemporary Japanese art in Mexico

Featuring both Mexican and Japanese artists

Photo: Taken from Hashi Gallery website
10/01/2018 |12:32
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Hashi Gallery

, the first gallery focused on contemporary Japanese art in Mexico, will be inaugurated in the Mexico City next month.

“Hashi Gallery is born out of the necessity of creating a cultural and artistic relationship between Japan and Mexico. The word Hashi means bridge in Japanese, a bridge that represents the union between the two countries for cultural exchange,” its website reads.

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The new space will showcase both Mexican and Japanese artists with international exposure .

Hashi Gallery is an unprecedented project in the Mexican gallery scene aiming for cultural promotion and art diffusion.

The inauguration ceremony will feature the artworks of the Japanese artists Saya Irie , Yoshihiko Shikada , Hiroaki Yamanaka , Yu Kasuya , Mutsumi Tomosada , Kubo Hiroko , as well as art pieces by the Mexican artists Marco Antonio Lara , Mónica González , Patricia Henríquez , Annabel Castro , Rodrigo Zavala , Isaac Torres , and Omar Rosales .

Overall, Hashi Gallery will showcase 30 works compassing themes such as nature , body , and urban space .

Along with the exhibitions, Hashi Gallery will organize a series of lectures , conferences , courses , and workshops in order to spread Japanese contemporary art and Japanese culture in Mexico.

Omar Rosales

, Director of Hashi Gallery , assured that the gallery is “incorporated into this great economic and cultural development between Mexico and Japan, one of a kind in the history of relations between both countries, as a meeting point for artists, curators, cultural managers, academics in the arts and public interested in oriental art."

Gallery Opening

February 9, 6: 30 p.m

Hosted by Centro ADM

Jose Alvarado #30, Roma Norte quarter

Mexico City

