
Harsh winters in Mexico caused by global warming

As strange as it may sound, extremely cold winters are proof that global warming is real

18/01/2018 |12:54
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As strange as it may sound, extremely cold winters are proof that global warming is real.

Global warming causes the weakening of the Earth's polar vortexes, which, in turn, allows the descent of cold air currents to the medium latitudes of the continent, according to Alfredo Sandoval Villalbazo, coordinator of the Physics Department at the Iberoamericana University.

According to the expert, extremely cold weather we're currently experiencing is related to the alternations of the boreal stratospheric polar vortex, which have shown several increases in the last 37 years.

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The term polar vortex is used to describe the low-pressure and col air areas surrounding the poles of the Earth

The low temperatures of the poles act as a magnet of cold air masses and prevent the vortexes from descending to the lower areas of the continent. Yet, given the temperature increase in the poles , the vortexes have descended and, as a result, we have harsh winters, said Villalbazo in a statement.

He clarified the scientific evidence in this sense has been published in several specialized media and while there are still several unanswered questions, it's evident global warming has contributed to this phenomenon.
