
Guillermo del Toro and Alfonso Cuarón to share narration secrets in Guadalajara conference

The Mexican filmmakers will be part of the 2020 Congress of the Mexican Association of Group Analytic Psychotherapy (AMPAG)

Guillermo del Toro, left, poses in the press room with Alfonso Cuaron - Photo: Chris Pizzello/AP
13/02/2020 |18:54Newsroom/EL UNIVERSAL in English |
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Mexican filmmakers and will be part of the that will take place in Guadalajara , Jalisco, from May 14 to 17 .


The multi-awarded directors will deliver a conference titled “Monsters and Silence: Narrative for a Disturbing Century” on Sunday, May 17 and they will share their cinematographic experience.

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and will address cinema as a source of social and cultural transformation as well as the way in which current events in the world shape their way of creating and telling stories in their productions.


Tickets for the conference to be delivered in Guadalajara’s Telmex Auditorium are already available via Ticketmaster .

Organizers have explained that the 2020 AMPAG is based on current social transformations , new ways to build identity , and the generation of change through links.

