The classic and original is a sauce that has won popularity out of Mexico in recent years, mainly as a healthy Super Bowl snack along with crunchy .

Only last year, exporters who are part of the business association representing Mexican avocado producers and exporters (Apeam) informed that an 18-ton truckload of was sent every six minutes to the United States to supply the American country for the .

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As a result, the shipment of avocado from Mexico to the United States for the event reached a record number of 82,993 tonnes as of January 2019 .

Avocado and are so popular during the Super Bowl that the has reminded that, for the sixth consecutive year, a commercial advertisement will be broadcast during the game to promote the consumption of avocados from Mexico .

But what exactly is ? It is a sauce made with ripe avocados , smashed, and mixed with green , , onion, and coriander. Some recipes add lime juice to stop the avocado from oxidizing.

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is eaten almost throughout all Mexico, although there are some regional variations. Some recipes include fruits like peach , grapes , or pomegranate , aromatic herbs, or even insects like jumiles and .

Guacamole is important in and it is eaten as a healthy snack or as a sauce with basically any kind of . It is also eaten as a side dish, especially with rice and .

In recent years, guacamole has become a classic Super Bowl snack in the United States.

If you want to prepare the best guacamole , make sure to use ripe fresh avocado to achieve the best taste ever.


is really easy to make:

  1. Carefully slice the avocado in half and remove the pit.
  2. With a spoon, extract all the pulp and get rid of the peel.
  3. Softly smash the pulp with salt until it is mixed.
  4. Add the rest of the ingredients (onion, tomato, coriander, chilies), mix, and season to taste.
  5. Serve fresh or slightly cold with nachos.

Now you can enjoy a healthy snack while you watch the game!

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