
Girl Power: Mexican students triumph at Mathematical Olympiad

Interior Minister Olga Sánchez congratulated the students on their achievement

The Mexican team at the European Girls Mathematical Olympiad 2019, in Kiev, Ukraine – Photo: Taken from the IPN's Twitter account
16/04/2019 |14:44Newsroom & Agencies |
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Ana Paula Jiménez Díaz

, a 17-years-old student won the gold medal at the European Girls' Mathematical Olympiad 2019, which took place in Kiev, Ukraine last week.

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Her teammates, Nuria Sydykova Méndez and Karla Rebeca Munguía Romero both won silver medals , and Nathalia del Carmen Jasso Vera received an Honorable Mention.

The aim of the European Girls' Mathematical Olympiad is to promote women's participation in scientific and mathematical Olympiads .

This is the second time a Mexican girl wins a gold medal at the event. In 2016 , Olga Medrano won a gold medal at the same event.

Over 200 students from 49 different countries attended the European Girls' Mathematical Olympiad , where the Mexican team was positioned in the 10th place.

Interior Minister Olga Sánchez Cordero

and Mexico's National Science and Technology Council congratulated the students on their achievement .
