
Get these beautiful bouquets delivered to your mom on Mother’s Day 2020

As May 10 approaches, don’t forget to send a thoughtful gift

The following shops are offering beautiful bouquets and flower arrangements for Mother’s Day - Photo: File Photo/EL UNIVERSAL
30/04/2020 |15:05EL UNIVERSAL in English/Gretel Morales |
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In Mexico , people celebrate Mother’s Day on May 10 but as the date approaches, it becomes clear that the majority of stores and malls will remain close. Nevertheless, we have a great option for you if you’re looking to surprise your mother with a thoughtful gift.


Local businesses

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, producers , and other companies will be delivering just in time for Mother’s Day, which means you can stay home, support local businesses, and send a beautiful gift to your mom !

The following shops are offering beautiful bouquets and arrangements for Mother’s Day :
