
Get ready to watch this week's Strawberry Moon eclipse

According to NASA, the Moon will appear full for three days

Get ready to watch this week's Strawberry Moon eclipse
04/06/2020 |17:09Newsroom |
Redacción El Universal
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The year seems to be passing by at a faster pace during the coronavirus lockdown. However, here are some good news from the universe: The is about to arrive and you will be able to watch it from Mexico City .

This year, the natural phenomenon will be visible on June 5 . Of course, only if the sky is not cloudy.

Although the penumbral eclipse will not be visible in North America, you can still watch it online thanks to the , that will livestream it from Italy at 19:00 UTC..

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Why is it called Strawberry Moon?

As many people would have noticed, every full moon in a year has a specific name. These names were given centuries ago by indigenous people and ancient European settlements that called the months based on the North Hemisphere seasons , as explained by Time and Date.

According to NASA , the Algonquin tribes called this the Strawberry Moon . The name comes from the relatively short season for harvesting strawberries in the north-eastern United States.


Likewise, and old European name for this full Moon is the Mead Moon or the Honey Moon .

Other names for this full Moon are Rose Moon , Flower Moon , Hot Moon , and Planting Moon . For Hindus, this full Moon corresponds with Vat Purnima , while for Buddhists this full Moon is the Poson Poya .

