
The future of the Maya Train

Off the Record features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

Indigenous communities and experts have rejected the construction of the train - Photo: Courtesy of the Mexican government
10/11/2019 |10:57
Redacción El Universal
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The future of the Maya Train

The southern region is going through a period of uncertainty since the project was announced, a project that plans to build a train to promote tourism in the region but that it's said to lack enough research and technical and environmental viability by experts and the opposition. Now that the lower chamber was going to allocate a budget to the project so that the construction starts in 2020 , yesterday President López Obrador said there would be no impositions and the Indigenous communities will vote to build or halt the project. Is this true? Because there are some people who are worried the investment will be delayed for this reason, although there is always the possibility of a fraudulent referendum , like the one time one person could vote for the construction of the Santa Lucía airport up to 5 times.

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No water at the Foreign Affairs Ministry

Since November 5, there has been to water supply from the 12th to the 22nd floors at the headquarters. The explanation given to the diplomats is that the previous administration is to blame but meanwhile, all these workers have been affected. The funny part is that employees are constantly sent e-mails to ask them to save water but there is no water!

Who voted for Rosario Ibarra?

The appointment of Rosario Piedra Ibarra as the new head of the National Human Rights Commission ( CNDH ), was shocking for the Senate minority. There, Ricardo Monreal convinced four PAN members to vote for Ibarra Piedra so she could have the majority of the votes.

Morena's new internal election

On Sunday, 's National Council will define the mechanism and the dates when the internal election will take place so that the new president is appointed in late November. We've been told that another fight is in the forecast: poll or a leadership extension or the appointment of an interim leader while the internal election is ready. No matter what method Morena chooses, the party will have to review its voter roll .
