
The future of Mancera and Napito

Under Reserve features fact-checked news written by journalists and contributors to EL UNIVERSAL

Miguel Ángel Mancera – German Espinosa /EL UNIVERSAL
06/06/2018 |08:53
Redacción El Universal
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The future of Mancera and Napito

If you still need time to get your popcorn, you've got time to resupply to catch up and see what the future has in store of the former Mayor of Mexico City Miguel Ángel Mancera and miners' leader Napoleón Gómez Urrutia (“Napito”) , both plurinominal candidates to the Senate. The Electoral Court of the Judicial Power of the Federation has prepared for this Wednesday's session the cases of Mr. Miguel Ángel and Napito. The candidacies of both characters were appealed separately. In the case of Mancera, by a member of the conservative National Action Party (PAN), under the claim that the politician doesn't comply with the PAN's by-laws. And in the case of Gómez Urrutia, by a group of miners who state Napoleón has double citizenship, Mexican and Canadian. After several weeks on hold, the electoral magistrates will finally resolve the future of both candidacies. Will they make it for the July 1st election?

AMLO, the business elite, and baseball

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We're told that yesterday's meeting between Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) and the Mexican Business Council could be a milestone for Obrador's campaign since it was positive for both parties. Mr. Andrés Manuel, our sources say, drew quite the crowd and additional chairs had to be placed at the table so more businessmen could sit down and listen to his proposals. We're told that, without distinction, Mr. Andrés Manuel shook the hand of all attendants and even chatted with some of them, like Claudio X. González Laporte, with whom he talked about baseball. We're told that in the meeting – which lasted almost three hours – all parties were respectful despite in previous days they came to blows. No doubt on Tuesday everything was peace and love.

And the vote of the Ibero goes to…

The press release is titled: “With cheers of 'president', Ibero students receive, and send off, Anaya.” And in the content, it says: “'Ricardo, friend, the Ibero is with you!' According to the cries of some of the students during the candidate's visit to the University. Although there were some members of the community who booed Anaya as well." And the text reads on: “Despite that there were three hours left before the arrival of the candidate of the For Mexico to the Front coalition, Ricardo Anaya, at the Iberoamerican University [Ibero] to talk with the community, students were already queuing to access the auditorium where the chat with the first candidate who visits the University during the current electoral process was to take place (and also the first candidate to visit the University after Enrique Peña Nieto in 2012, who was campaigning back in those days).” If you think this press release was issued by Ricardo Anaya's campaign team then you're gravely mistaken. It's the official press release of the University itself, which gave us an account of Anaya's visit. Could it be the Ibero has already cast its vote? So what now, Mr. Andrés Manuel López Obrador and Mr. José Antonio Meade? Won't you be paying the University a visit as well?

The concern of Auditor Colmenares

Quite concerned is the team of the head of the Superior Audit Office of Mexico (ASF) – David Colmenares Páramo – over the case of the departure of Muna Dora Buchahin , head of the General Audit Office of Forensics, who was overseeing the case file of the so-called “ Estafa Maestra ” (a large-scale fraud where federal agencies diverted billions of pesos through shell companies). We're told that the institution has denied the influence of political parties in matters of the auditing office with the next elections as a background. They claim that what matters is that the audits scheduled to Public Account 2017 haven't been delayed, including all case files previously overseen by Buchahin are being treated with the utmost technical scrutiny and neutrality. And as you may know, the office under Ms. Muna documented the network of alleged deviations for over MXN$ 7 billion between federal agencies, public universities and others. We'll have to keep an eye on the ASF and make sure they end the work Buchahin began, since she will, most likely, speak up if she smells something fishy.
