
Further irregularities in Pemex and Odebrecht contracts

The Secretary of Public Administration has found further administrative irregularities on the Refinery Miguel Hidalgo contract, involving an Odebrecht affiliate and a public servant of Pemex

Last June 14, the Secretary of Public Administration began four administrative proceedings regarding an oil refinery - File photo/EL UNIVERSAL
12/09/2017 |14:00Alberto Morales |
Alberto Morales
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The Secretary of Public Administration (SFP) has found further administrative irregularities for 119 millions of Mexican pesos on the Oil Refinery Miguel Hidalgo contract, involving an affiliated company of Odebrecht and a public servant of Pemex Transformación Industrial .

The agency said in a statement released yesterday, that these new irregularities were detected by the Liabilities Unit of Pemex.

The Government Agency, led by Secretary Arely Gómez, mentioned they have already notified the Pemex official in question – who isn't accused of any charges yet. His administrative liability will be determined once the required legal stages of the process are concluded.

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Last June 14, the Public Administration began four penalizing administrative proceedings related to a public work contract for the Oil Refinery Miguel Hidalgo against Odebrecht affiliated companies and its legal representatives.

The Liability Unit of Petróleos Mexicanos (PEMEX) launched the administrative proceeding against the affiliated companies but hasn't disclosed the names to avoid violations to the proceeding.
