
Fundamentals of Turkish economy continue to be strong, says the Republic of Turkey’s Ambassador to Mexico

Regarding the relation between his country and the United States, he stressed that effective diplomacy and open dialogue would meaningfully address its current state, yet, he warned “we will push back against any and all threats”

The Republic of Turkey’s Ambassador to Mexico, Tahsin Timur Söylemez - Photo: Alonso Romero/EL UNIVERSAL
17/08/2018 |17:59Gabriel Moyssen |
Redacción El Universal
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The fundamentals of the Turkish economy continue to be strong , with unprecedented growth , said the Republic of Turkey’s Ambassador to Mexico , Tahsin Timur Söylemez .

Regarding the relation between his country and the United States , he stressed that effective diplomacy and open dialogue would meaningfully address its current state; however, he warned, “ we will push back against any and all threats .”

Söylemez answered a questionnaire sent by the , as he is currently out of Mexico. Here is the content of his written replies:

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What is the main reason behind 

the problems that the Turkish economy is facing? Are these economic problems due to the sanctions recently imposed by the United States?

The fundamentals of the Turkish economy continue to be strong , with unprecedented growth . The unilateral, illogical and unacceptable actions recently taken by the US administration against Turkey have negatively affected the Turkish lira.

Could you elaborate on the economic measures to be adopted in order to avoid further devaluation of the Turkish lira?

Turkey has taken effective steps to counter the actions taken by the US , and measures have been put into place to alleviate the pressure on our currency in order to prevent further fluctuations.

What is the current state of the bilateral relation between Turkey and the United States?

Turkey strongly rejects the recent unilateral steps taken by the United States

in blatant disregard of our long-standing friendship, alliance and strategic partnership.

Through effective diplomacy and open dialogue , we can meaningfully address the current state of bilateral relations.

However, we will push back any and all threats, sanctions, and manipulations , wherever they originate from.

Would the problems that the Turkish economy is suffering now affect the plans to increase cooperation with Mexico?

As friends and strategic partners, Turkey and Mexico have an excellent relationship that goes back almost a century.

Recent developments regarding the Turkish lira will not in any way affect Turkey’s will and determination to further deepen and diversify relations with the government and the friendly people of Mexico.

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