
Former Peña Nieto associate investigated for fuel theft

León Trawitz was responsible for monitoring Pemex’s pipeline network and fighting fuel theft

During his morning press conference in Mexico’s National Palace, López Obrador commented that the former statesman was among the people investigated - Photo: José Castanares/EL UNIVERSAL
08/01/2019 |18:31Alberto Morales y Misael Zavala |
Redacción El Universal
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President Andrés Manuel López Obrador

has informed that the former director of Pemex Security, general Eduardo León Trawitz , is currently being investigated for his likely participation in a fuel theft network within the state-owned company.

During his morning press conference in Mexico’s National Palace , López Obrador commented that the former statesman was among the people investigated.

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“He is on the list of people that are being investigated for this crime, though there are no definitive results so far.”

The Mexican president explained that his government was working on the investigation to get to the bottom of the criminal network.

León Trawitz was responsible for monitoring Pemex’s pipeline network and, during the past administration, he was also in charge of fighting fuel theft.

President López Obrador has pointed out that members of Pemex had been responsible for the tapping of pipelines with the knowledge of previous governments , and during his morning press conference, he announced that his plan to fight fuel theft had resulted in a saving of 2.5 million pesos .

León Trawitz was also the chief bodyguard of Enrique Peña Nieto between 2005 and 2011 , when the PRI politician and former president was governor of the State of Mexico .


said on Saturday that it is “preferring the use of safer means of transport, which means changes in the logistics for delivery to service stations,” leading to delays in the states of Hidalgo, Mexico, Jalisco, Michoacan, Guanajuato, Queretaro, and Tamaulipas.

As a result of this, a fuel shortage has affected nine states, causing panic buying among citizens in Guanajuato, Hidalgo, Querétaro, State of México, Tamaulipas, Aguascalientes, Jalisco, Michoacán, and Oaxaca .

On Tuesday , Mexico City also presented fuel shortage in some gas stations.
