
Five Mexican books you should be reading right now

Today we bring you a list of contemporary Mexican books that have been translated into English

A look into the hallways of the Carlos Monsiváis library in Mexico City - Photo: German Espinosa/EL UNIVERSAL
30/07/2020 |15:07
Redacción El Universal
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has one of the richest and most influential literary traditions in the world, with authors ranging from the Emperor-poet Nezahualcóyotl to Sor Juana and Octavio Paz . The confrontation of different cultures during the conquest, the Colonial Period that followed, the fight for independence, and a constant search for identity have characterized its history. In modern times, poverty, inequality, and drug violence have become sources of inspiration and a subject of discussion for novelists and poets, but also multiculturalism and tradition .

Today we bring you a list of books that are representative of Mexico’s culture and have been translated into English for their intrinsic vitality and uniqueness:​

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“The Body Where I was Born,” by Guadalupe Nettel

: In this novel, the author looks back on her childhood with a brilliant sense of humor and a neat prose that takes us from Mexico City to the French countryside.

“Like water for chocolate,” Laura Esquivel

: A classic among Mexican readers, each chapter of this love story set in the times of the Revolution starts with a traditional recipe that mirrors the emotions and struggles of its characters.

“Pillar of Salt,” Salvador Novo

: This autobiography, told by one of Mexico’s most memorable homosexual writers, faithfully renders life in Mexico City after the Revolution with an exquisite and comedic prose.

“Signs Preceding the End of the World,” Yuri Herrera

: A brilliant example of U.S.-Mexico border literature , this novel tells the story of Makina, a young woman in search of her brother who moves between the Mexican underworld and her dreams of a better life.

“Pedro Páramo,” Juan Rulfo

: This classic gave Gabriel García Márquez sleepless nights and has been considered one of the best novels ever written. It is a tale about death, tradition, and mystery, featuring a preface written by Susan Sontag .
