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Corte detemina que uso de animales para ritos es crueldad animal y debe ser castigado; resolución no viola libertad de culto
“Billy” Álvarez asegura ser un preso político; pide “benevolencia” ante acusaciones de lavado y delincuencia organizada
Presupuesto para migrantes le corresponden a Sheinbaum: Comisión en Diputados; SHCP podría aumentarlos a favor de repatriados
Comisión en San Lázaro prevé ratificar Ley del Infonavit sin modificaciones; Comités serán tripartitas: Morena
Hay “conversaciones estratégicas” con equipo de Trump, afirma Esteban Moctezuma; presume acudir a investidura
ONGs acusan a Garduño de eludir responsabilidad en incendio de INM de Ciudad Juárez; exigen justicia por 40 migrantes
The findings of the express passageway
Today is the day when the findings of the audit of the Cuernavaca Express Passageway will be known. On July 12, the road of this passageway collapsed, killing two people. We're told the main irregularities found are excess payments and works performed without the due quality control & assurance. The Secretary of Public Administration is the one in charge of disclosing the findings of the audit investigation, carried out by the Audit and Control Unit of Public Works and the Internal Control Organism of the Secretary of Communications and Transportation. We're told that during this audit, several contracts and agreement were reviewed regarding the construction and utilities of the project. Moreover, besides the two irregularities found in the investigation, we're told the Secretary of Public Administration led by Secretary Arely Gómez, has also a couple of remarks of their own. And of course, the door is held wide open so that the public servants liable receive their penalizations pursuant to the Law.
The candidate nominees and the earthquake
Even in times of national emergency, political interpretations aren't absent. We've been told that two candidate nominees traveled with the Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto to Chiapas , while other three were sent to Oaxaca. The Secretary of Finances and PubCreditredt, José Antonio Meade , and the Secretary of Education, Aurelio Nuño , arrived in Chiapas together with the President and the Secretaries of Defense and of the Navy to coordinate the aid operations for the victims of last Thursday's quake. Meanwhile, in Oaxaca , the Secretary of the Interior Miguel Osorio Chong, the Secretary of Health José Narro , and the Secretary of Tourism Enrique de la Madrid performed aid coordination tasks in the affected communities. Later on, Osorio Chong traveled to Chiapas to meet with the President at a damage assessment meeting.
The PRD failed in Juchitán
And talking about the visits that Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto has done recently to the areas affected by the earthquake in Oaxaca and Chiapas, we're told it's been a while since a president of the Republic set foot in Juchitán – seeing as the community is a fervent supporter of the left Democratic Revolution Party (PRD) and their administrations have had close relationships with dissident groups. Even if the presence of the President in this land wasn't a simple thing to arrange, most people saw this in a positive light and some of the inhabitants of the region were even able to express their concerns to the Head of the Executive. However, what is indeed a fact, is that the opposition administrations in Juchitán haven't done much to improve construction regulations – since most of the tragedy currently striking this place has to do with the lack of construction supervision and quality control.
AMLO to celebrate Independence Day in Jalisco
After his return from abroad, Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) will spend the Independence Holidays on tour around Jalisco and Guanajuato . We're told the leader of the far- left National Regeneration Party ( MORENA ) will give the Mexican grito in San Juan de Los Lagos, Jalisco since he will arrive to this community on the 14 to hold several informative meetings. Afterwards, on the 16, he will have another meeting, but this time in Dolores Hidalgo , Guanajuato, birthplace of the Mexican Independence .