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In Mexico , the private sector is the driving force behind the national economy . Small and medium enterprises are the main employment generators, according to the information released by the Inegi . Nevertheless, the public sector also makes important contributions for the development of the country, by promoting infrastructure projects such as the construction of r oads, ports, and hospitals , and also by granting credits through development banks but this option is currently stalled.
Today, EL UNIVERSAL reveals that the approval and granting of credits through institutions such as B anobras, Nacional Financiera, Bansefi, and Bancomext are paralyzed .
Development banks
finance infrastructure projects , as well as small and medium enterprises and sectors that aren't handled by commercial banks .
These institutions are one of the few alternatives through which the federal government's budget can contribute to the revitalization of the national economy , therefore, shutting down these credits will have consequences in key areas such as the growth of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) .
The reasons for not granting resources , according to our sources , is the dismissal of medium-ranking officials in those institutions. There are cases where whole areas have no employees.
The importance of the problem is reflected in this figure: the resources granted by development banks amount to the resources of the main finance group in the country, an increased to a billion pesos in 2018 .
Also, in 2016 , Nafin handled 715,000 companies , Bansefi helped 23 million people , and Banobras aided 1,268 municipalities in 31 states.
With this delay , entrepreneurs and family businesses are at risk of not making their projects become a reality and state governments will be affected as well. For example, for the reconstruction tasks after the 2017 earthquake in the state of Mexico, Oaxaca, and Morelos, those governments requested credits for over MXN $3,000 million to Banobras .
The access to credits is fundamental for the development of a country. It is understandable that as the result of a new administration taking office, there could be certain delays in official activities but this shouldn't be the case in institutions that are key for the economy . The new government took office 90 days ago, and there should be an immediate response in this sector.