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The State of Tabasco, Mexico , will host the Fifth Cheese Festival , “Tradition without Borders”, from August 25 to August 27, where the attendants will be able to taste a wide range of cheeses.
The Convention Center of the Tenosique municipality will gather more than 100 presenters, among which are cheese producers and artisans. This year's guest country is Italy , which will send the company Lactalis to offer their products to the attendants.
The Secretary of Economic Development and Tourism, David Rodríguez, said the festival aims to showcase the work of small entrepreneurs and promote Tenosique as a touristic destination.
In this occasion, the contest “The Best Artisan Cheese” will have four categories: pasta filata (stretch-curd cheese), ground cheese, porous cheese, and innovative cheese. Winners in each category will receive $10 thousand Mexican pesos (560 USD), but the overall winner will take home $40 thousand Mexican pesos (2, 250 USD).