
Fiat Chrysler orders the revision of two SUV models in Mexico

The automaker confirmed that the affected vehicles are the Dodge Durango and Jeep Grand Cherokee SUV models from 2011 to 2014

Jeep Grand Cherokee and Dodge Durango - Photo: Featured photography
03/10/2017 |18:53
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The automaker Fiat Chrysler ordered today the repair of 21,139 SUVs in the Mexican market due to possible failures in the brake system , which has so far caused an accident , without casualties.

In a statement, the automaker confirmed that the affected vehicles are the Dodge Durango and J eep Grand Cherokee SUV models from 2011 to 2014.

Fiat Chrysler detailed that the protective shields of the braking propulsion mechanism will be inspected as well.

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The shields are designed to isolate the propellants from the water and prevent the liquid from penetrating and contributing to corrode or freeze the brakes affecting the braking function.

The call in Mexico is part of a repair throughout the North American market . The company has called for the repair of nearly 650,000 vehicles in the United States and just over 42,000 in Canada .
