, the former Security Secretary accused of receiving millions in Guzmán, was arrested in Dallas, Texas on December 9. According to drug lord , García Luma received around USD $56 million in bribes .

García Luna

, who worked form Vicente Fox and Felipe Calderón Hinojosa , was nervous during his appearance before a federal court in Dallas, Texas.

The hearing took place at 1 p.m. on Tuesday and didn't last over 10 minutes. According to reports, was visibly nervous, serious, and worried. His answers were brief.

Judge Horan

told the f ormer Mexican official that the hearing was to confirm the charges against him and ask him if he understood the reasons behind them. It was later revealed that Mexico's consul in Dallas was present during the hearing.

Genaro García

will appear before the same court on December 17.

Moreover, the asked judge Horan to keep the suspect in detention , as it considers García Luna could flee. The judge accepted the request. The former Mexican minister will face his trial in the same Brooklyn court as .

On December 10, Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard said Mexico is willing to collaborate in the case. During a press conference, the minister said that U.S. authorities haven't requested any information.

Today, through his Twitter account, the current Public Security Minister Alfonso Durazo Montaño said that the arrest shows that Felipe Calderón's administration protected the Sinaloa cartel . He added that the incident shows the disaster the current administration inherited.

Also, Mexican authorities blocked 11 bank accounts ; six belonged to people and five to companies linked to the former Mexican security chief . These people and companies are said to be linked to Genaro García's family members and close friends.


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