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Emilio Lozoya
, the former Pemex director, was accused of money laundering, bribery, and fraud . Days later, his bank accounts were frozen by the Financial Intelligence Unit , led by Santiago Nieto .
Last week, it was revealed that a federal judge overturned this decision . According to several media outlets, an Administrative Judg e granted Lozoya a provisional suspension, filed by his lawyer on June 5, to contest the inclusion of the former Pemex director in the lists of people whose assets have been frozen by the Financial Intelligence Unit .
The writ of amparo only includes an account at Banco Azteca , therefore, Emilio Lozoya could use this resources, even when he is at large.
The judge would have to implement the Supreme Court's jurisprudence , effective since May 31, that orders judges to suspend the blockades implemented by the Financial Intelligence Unit unless the blockades implemented are part of an international collaboration .
Since 2018, the Supreme Court stated that the Financial Intelligence Unit's faculty to freeze accounts without a court order was unconstitutional because the law hasn't been reformed by the Congress yet.