Crispim Moreira

, representative from the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) , along with José Amieva , head of government of Mexico City , have announced a 6.8 million pesos investment for the preservation of Chinampas Agricultural System of Mexico City.

Chinampas are a type of Mesoamerican agriculture which uses small, rectangular areas of fertile land to grow crops on the Valley of Mexico’s lake beds.

On August , in addition to the current implementation of a pilot program for the reactivation of productive agricultural activities, the chinampas zone will be part of an initiative to maintain the current seed, plant, and crop diversity in the context of global warming .

Additionally, a certificate was granted to recognize the Chinampas Agricultural System as a Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Site . “This recognition places Mexico and its capital at a global level for having a one-of-a-kind agricultural production asset,” José Ramón Amivea commented.


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