
Facebook gives scholarships to Mexican leaders

Five community leaders were chosen to participate at Facebook's Community Leadership Program (FCLP)

Facebook will offer a residence for a Latin American leader who will collaborate with the web platform’s team and receive a personalized leadership development course - Photo: File photo/EL UNIVERSAL
06/10/2018 |18:42Carla Martínez |
Redacción El Universal
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Five community leaders in Mexico have been selected as part of Facebook’s Community Leadership Program (FCLP) and will receive scholarships of up to 50,000 dollars .

In a press release, the social network explained that more than 100 community leaders around the world had been chosen as part of the Program that will give away USD$10 million to promote the creation and development of local communities.

22 of the community leaders that will receive the support of FCLP are from Latin America

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. Five of them are from Mexico: The “SuperCívicos,” “Women Who Code Mérida,” “OncoAyuda,” “Mexicanas en el Mundo,” and “School on the Road.”

Furthermore, Facebook will offer a residence for a Latin American leader who will collaborate with the web platform’s team and receive a personalized leadership development course to bring his or her proposal to life.

“This time, Facebook chose Brazilian Paula Pfeifer , who will receive one million dollars to finance “ Crônicas da Surdez ,” a community she created to help people with hearing problems such as herself.
