
F1 Mexican GP wins 2019 Best Grand Prix

The Mexican GP has kept adding recognitions on its way to become an F1 classic

The continuity of the Mexican GP is guaranteed for at least three more years – Photo: James Moy Photography/EL UNIVERSAL
06/12/2019 |18:07
Universal Deportes
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With the continuity of the guaranteed for at least , the organization of the Formula 1 race in our country won, for the fifth year in a row , the award a Best Grand Prix of the Seaso n, extending the record they achieved last year.

The has kept adding recognitions on its way to become a .

“We are very proud of being ‘The Best Event of the Year’ in the because, once again, Mexicans show that our country is full of culture, passion, and #F1ESTA. Let’s celebrate and #GiveMe5Mexico,” published the organization of the Grand Prix on its Twitter account.

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Did you know Mexico City announced a


With a record of 365,694 attendees, the Mexican Grand Prix consolidates in the sports culture of the country.

The award was received by Alejandro Soberón Kuri , President and CEO of the Administration Board of the CIE, and by Federico González Compean , CEO of the Mexican Grand Prix, during the traditional Award Gala of the International Automobile Federation that took place in Paris, France and which recognizes the best of motorsports in the world.

“This award belongs to Mexico. It belongs to the hundreds of people that have been part of year after year. It belongs to all the fans that have given us support in all the editions, filling the bleachers of the Rodríguez Brothers Racetrack with their amazing passion. Along with the recognition as this fifth award fills us with pride and makes us want to keep giving the best side of our country to the rest of the world through entertainment events outside home, like the Mexican Grand Prix,” asserted Alejandro Soberón Kuri.

Did you know the Mexican Grand Prix won a 

