
Emilio Lozoya is a cooperating witness

Emilio Lozoya is linked to major corruption cases such as Odebrecht and Agro Nitrogenados

Emilio Lozoya agreed to his extradition while imprisoned in Madrid, Spain - Photo: Alfredo Estrella/AFP
19/07/2020 |13:17
Redacción El Universal
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Emilio Lozoya

was extradited to Mexico on July 17; however, Mexican authorities have yet to confirm his legal status. Meanwhile, senator Ricardo Monreal said the former Pemex chief is a “ cooperating witness.

Sources inside the federal government said Lozoya Austin is abiding by the plea bargain established in the 257th article of the National Code of Criminal Proceedings.

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Even if Lozoya enters a plea, he might still be sent to jail.

Sources added that the plea bargain is linked to the sale-purchase of fertilizer plant Agro Nitrogenados; therefore, authorities could take legal action regarding the alleged bribery case that involves Odebrecht , the Fertinal case, or Yacani, a company owned by his wife.


After landing in Mexico City, Emilio Lozoya was examined by two doctors who determined he has anemia and problems in the esophagus. He was then taken to a private hospital, where he remains until now.

The former Pemex chief will spend between 10 and 12 days in the hospital. Once he is discharged from hospital, federal prosecutors will question him about his involvement in two major corruption cases: Agro Nitrogenados and Odebrecht.

He will immediately enter a plea and people will finally learn how much information Lozoya Austin offered the Attorney General’s Office (FGR) before authorities press charges against him. When the judges establish a date and time for his first hearing, he will be presented before a judge in Mexico City’s prison to determine his legal situation.

Lozoya hasn't testified before the Attorney General's Office

Lozoya Austin hasn't testified almost a week after his arrival in Mexico.

Insiders said that Mexican authorities notified Lozoya about two arrest warrants for his involvement in two major corruption cases: Odebrecht and Agronitrogenados.

Upon his arrival in Mexico City, authorities considered the former Pemex chief as a detainee, and he remains in police custody.

Days ago, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said Lozoya testified in hospital and asked that he asked for protection.

Emilio Lozoya will provide crucial information regarding corruption

According to senator Ricardo Monreal, the former government official will provide information to prosecute others involved in major corruption cases.

The Public Prosecutor's Office will decide whether or not it will drop the charges against Emilio Lozoya Austin or if it will reduce the charges against him and his family. The decision will depend on the information and testimonies he provides.

The Attorney General’s Office accused Emilio Lozoya of criminal association, transactions involving illegally-sourced funds, and fraud.


Emilio Lozoya arrives in Mexico

The former Pemex chief arrived in Mexico City on July 17 at 12:46 PM.

A Mexican airplane deployed by the Attorney General’s Office transported Emilio Lozoya from Madrid to Mexico City with a stop in Canada.

Once he arrived at the Mexican airport, a doctor found several health issues and proposed that Lozoya was sent to a hospital. Lozoya’s family asked for a private doctor to do a health check and found the same issues that the previous doctor.

Lozoya left the hangar over three hours after the flight landed in Mexico.

Lozoya’s convoy

The Attorney General’s Office deployed seven vehicles, two motorcycles, and a police car to transport Lozoya out of the aircraft hangar.

The convoy arrived at Mexico City’s northern prison at 4:25 AM and the vehicle allegedly transporting Lozoya stops for 17 minutes, which the media uses to photograph the man inside the vehicle; however, no one could corroborate his identity.

Later, sources told EL UNIVERSAL that the person who arrived in prison was not Lozoya and that he was used to distract the press and instead take Lozoya to a private hospital.

President López Obrador’s response

During his daily news conference, journalists questioned the President over Lozoya’s location. 
The President said Santiago Nieto, the head of the Financial Intelligence Unit (UIF), told him the former Pemex chief was imprisoned and that his first hearing would take place later on Friday.

Security Minister Alfonso Durazo contradicted himself when questioned about Lozoya’s whereabouts. Both officials agreed that the FGR should inform society about Emilio Lozoya’s location.
In contrast with similar high-profile cases, the Attorney General’s Office didn’t release a photograph of Lozoya arriving in Mexico.

On July 21, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador confirmed Emilio Lozoya Austin is a cooperating or protected witness who is now collaborating with the Attorney General's Office (FGR).

Who is Emilio Lozoya?

Enrique Peña Nieto

appointed Emilio Lozoya Austin, a Harvard graduate, as Pemex’s executive director in 2012. He resigned in 2016.

He has been accused of several crimes, including taking bribes and money laundering.

He fled Mexico and was on the run for several months until Spanish authorities arrested in Málaga in February. He was living in a luxurious community where he went unnoticed for months.

After spending months in a Spanish prison, Lozoya Austin agreed to his extradition and Spanish authorities accelerated his extradition process.
