
Elba Esther is still being investigated by the PGR

Her defense lawyers requested the cancellation of the investigation, but the judge denied the request

Gordillo spent 5 years in jail – Photo: File Photo/EL UNIVERSAL
10/10/2018 |14:52Diana Lastiri |
Redacción El Universal
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The Attorney General's Office (PGR) has opened an investigation against the former Education Workers' National Union leader (SNTE) , Elba Esther Gordillo Morales , for alleged tax evasion between 2008 and 2009.

Despite a federal tribunal put an end to the last federal accusations against the teacher, after an amparo trial, her defense lawyers found that there is a preliminary investigation where the former union leader is involved.

Official sources confirm that the PGR hasn't gathered enough evidence against Gordillo Morales , and also that the investigation doesn't prevent the teacher to return to the SNTE 's leadership, as there is no arrest warrant and no judge has taken the case.

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Her defense lawyers requested the cancellation of the investigation, but the judge denied the request.

In February 2013, Elba Esther Gordillo Morales was arrested at the Toluca Airport. The PGR had four accusations against her for tax evasion, money laundering, and organized crime.

Three of the tax evasion accusation didn't prosper because her defense lawyers did pay her taxes.
