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Elba Esther Gordillo
, the former leader of the Mexican National Educational Workers Union asked for freedom and secrecy to vote when the union votes to elect its new leader and announced she will be a contender.
She pointed out that no one benefits from “a weak and divided union, nor society, the government, education, or the workers,” and said that she “will take the President-elect 's word” and that she will look to build a “new leadership ” and asked that “no one is excluded.”
“To achieve unity once again and the necessary strength, we are taking the President-elect 's word, we have to build a new leadership , stemmed from free , inclusive , secret , and universal vote from each and every union workers .”
She asked to find strength in the past for the future “without either, we would be nothing, we will lose our path, we won't be useful to Mexico , even if my rights are being violated.”
In a video sent to Ciro Gómez Leyva 's radio show , she said that even if her rights “are being violated,” her position at the SNTE will be to “contribute so that the new movement guarantees better conditions to the union members .”
She promised to set her personal interests aside and to favor the general interest “of each and every one of the workers , and my fight is dedicated to them, the SNTE 's future is beyond personal limelight.”
“We're united and without fear for the SNTE ,” claims Elba Esther Gordillo in the video.